This. Speed depends mostly in what your aim is; I do my reps way slower and my advice is you should too if you want to build strength, 'cause this way you're using a lot of momentum instead of actual muscle control. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091004093655AA4Ezca I know the source ain't the best one, but there is something on the subject.
But the technique itself is OK, you won't make you no harm or something.
This. Speed depends mostly in what your aim is; I do my reps way slower and my advice is you should too if you want to build strength, 'cause this way you're using a lot of momentum instead of actual muscle control. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091004093655AA4Ezca I know the source ain't the best one, but there is something on the subject.
But the technique itself is OK, you won't make you no harm or something.