Hi /fit/
Rate my routine, im a noob but i have read the sticky, most of starting strength and tons of shit online and downloaded (and checked out) a shit load of stuff from p2p, rapidshare and the like.
-no impact on left foot (injury)
-no knee in front of the left foot toes (same injury)
-Squat form awful, has to lrn 2 parallel
-Has no access to machines, has acces to a barbell home gym, a TRX, a pullup bar and some good weight kettlebells.
-needs to be done as fast as possible
Box Squat 5X5
Bench Press 5X5
Deadlift 5X5 (to get accustomed to the move, then 1x5 when it gets heavier)
OH Press 5X5
Each session followed by the following finisher:
2 hand Kettlebell Swings
Mountain climbers
Body Weight rows / Chinups (alternating betw sessions)
The goal is simple, get strong on the basic push pull thing without neglecting conditioning or the horizontal/vertical pull.
Rate my routine, im a noob but i have read the sticky, most of starting strength and tons of shit online and downloaded (and checked out) a shit load of stuff from p2p, rapidshare and the like.
-no impact on left foot (injury)
-no knee in front of the left foot toes (same injury)
-Squat form awful, has to lrn 2 parallel
-Has no access to machines, has acces to a barbell home gym, a TRX, a pullup bar and some good weight kettlebells.
-needs to be done as fast as possible
Box Squat 5X5
Bench Press 5X5
Deadlift 5X5 (to get accustomed to the move, then 1x5 when it gets heavier)
OH Press 5X5
Each session followed by the following finisher:
2 hand Kettlebell Swings
Mountain climbers
Body Weight rows / Chinups (alternating betw sessions)
The goal is simple, get strong on the basic push pull thing without neglecting conditioning or the horizontal/vertical pull.