>Also carbs*4+fat*9+protien*4 won't always equal total calories. From my understanding there are also other factors that contribute to calories, like alcohol (7cal a gram) content and other shiz.
I know. But the last time I checked, plantain chips and bagels don't have any alcohol. Some times it's huge errors like what should be at least 200 calories but 110 written. As in it must have been a typo or they didn't include the cooking fat in the calories for some reason.
>Also carbs*4+fat*9+protien*4 won't always equal total calories. From my understanding there are also other factors that contribute to calories, like alcohol (7cal a gram) content and other shiz.
I know. But the last time I checked, plantain chips and bagels don't have any alcohol. Some times it's huge errors like what should be at least 200 calories but 110 written. As in it must have been a typo or they didn't include the cooking fat in the calories for some reason.