> i don't think neolithic man was all that healthy. his life expectancy was like 25
Is this average life expectancy? Because the average is heavily skewed by high infant mortality, which is always high in societies without modern medical technology.
If you disregard children dying before the age of, say 5, you will probably find a life expectancy of adults to not be that different from today, probably in the 50-60 year range. This can be observed today in poorly developed countries where high infant mortality rates dictates large numbers of children per family to ensure survival into adulthood in sufficient quantities to care for their parents.
Now, that being said, you are probably right that early man was hardly a paragon of healthiness - living from day to day on whatever they could hunt or gather, and starving if they couldn't. Fat and meat would have been prized but their intake of HFCS was probably limited though, so comparing them to fast-food-eating coach potatoes of today they probably weren't so bad off after all.
All in all, a balanced diet seems to be the best thing in the long term.