requesting Kinobody Greek God Muscle Building Program
So you want someone to put in all the effort to package over a dozen books for your benefit and you're not offering anything in return. Yeah okay.
So you want someone to put in all the effort to package over a dozen books for your benefit and you're not offering anything in return. Yeah okay.
I don't have anything to offer. Everything I have is already offered here in this thread. I wish I had anything else to offer that was not here.
What is wrong kindly requesting for a package? You just simply can say no. But I don't thing this is a thread to discuss.
Could you please at least share the JTS RP templates, if you have them. Thanks for sharing the RP Diet book earlier. Also, humble apologies if it is too much to ask and nice job being able to find them. they are
I don't have anything to offer. Everything I have is already offered here in this thread. I wish I had anything else to offer that was not here.
What is wrong kindly requesting for a package? You just simply can say no. But I don't thing this is a thread to discuss.
Could you please at least share the JTS RP templates, if you have them. Thanks for sharing the RP Diet book earlier. Also, humble apologies if it is too much to ask and nice job being able to find them. they are
Hi /fit/,
so, i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but i noticed that lately i always feel like shit after weight training. i already suffer from chronic tiredness and slight sleep disorder atm.
but even if i get decent sleep, only use moderate weight, higher reps and only train for about an hour, i mostly feel really irritated, nervous and kind of aggressive afterwards.
it's really frustrating and i hardly train anymore because of it, especially since i'm already enough stressed and anxious currently (due to a-levels).
so, what could it be? i try to breathe deep and properly, however it feels hard at times. i also make sure i drink enough and have a pre workout meal.
light cardio makes me feel a lot better, energized and refreshed, however i want to rebuild my power and gains.
could it be that even though i only train lightly it's still too much for me, since i'm not really used to it anymore?
so, i don't know what i'm doing wrong, but i noticed that lately i always feel like shit after weight training. i already suffer from chronic tiredness and slight sleep disorder atm.
but even if i get decent sleep, only use moderate weight, higher reps and only train for about an hour, i mostly feel really irritated, nervous and kind of aggressive afterwards.
it's really frustrating and i hardly train anymore because of it, especially since i'm already enough stressed and anxious currently (due to a-levels).
so, what could it be? i try to breathe deep and properly, however it feels hard at times. i also make sure i drink enough and have a pre workout meal.
light cardio makes me feel a lot better, energized and refreshed, however i want to rebuild my power and gains.
could it be that even though i only train lightly it's still too much for me, since i'm not really used to it anymore?
Heres kinobody greek good program,
I have all the kinobody guides as well if needed
Here it is:
I have all the kinobody guides as well if needed
Here it is:
>it's glandular
I'm not talking about your thyroid in here, I'm talking about insulin, glucagon, corticosteroids, hormones that actually matter quite a lot when it comes to lose and win weight. The lower the glycemic index, the lower the insulin, the lower the amount of fat that get stored, for the same caloric intake. This is well known stuff, except for you for what it seems, you could go do some research on basic physiology.
>it's glandular
I'm not talking about your thyroid in here, I'm talking about insulin, glucagon, corticosteroids, hormones that actually matter quite a lot when it comes to lose and win weight. The lower the glycemic index, the lower the insulin, the lower the amount of fat that get stored, for the same caloric intake. This is well known stuff, except for you for what it seems, you could go do some research on basic physiology.
If someone could post anything by dickerson ross I would be super grateful. Cannot find anything of his.
If you could get/find either of these ones I would love you guys forever.
Complete cutting series III 2016
Lean Bulking series III 2016
If you could get/find either of these ones I would love you guys forever.
Complete cutting series III 2016
Lean Bulking series III 2016
If someone could post anything by dickerson ross I would be super grateful. Cannot find anything of his.
If you could get/find either of these ones I would love you guys forever.
Complete cutting series III 2016
Lean Bulking series III 2016
If you could get/find either of these ones I would love you guys forever.
Complete cutting series III 2016
Lean Bulking series III 2016
Foundation Training
Eric Goodman
Thank you
Eric Goodman
Thank you
here is the superhero program
AFL And Warrior program will be posted soon
here is the superhero program
AFL And Warrior program will be posted soon
Looking for strong bastard 911 not beta
Seeing as people seem to not want to share shit.
Here you go. Enjoy.
Examine - Updated - Supplement & Health Stacks
Alex Viada - Hybrid Athlete
5/3/1 Football Manual
Scientific Principles of Strength Training - Mike Israetel
The Renaissance Diet
Practical Programming
Programming to Win
The Max Muscle Plan - Dr Brad's Schoenfields old book complete with workout plans.
Anabolics E-Book - William.L
Becoming a supple leopard.
Westside Book of Methods
Under the Bar
Triology Ebook
Periodization Bible by dave tate
Strong(er) Phase 2
Strong(er) Phase 3
Starting Strength
Starting Strength 2nd Ed
Greyskull LP 2nd Ed
Maximum Muscle V1
Lyle Mcdonald - Ketogenic Diet
Lyle McDonald - A Guide to flexible Dieting
Lyle McDonald - Ultimate Diet 2.0
Elite FTS - Carb Cycling
Elite FTS - Stronger Man Updated
Elite FTS - Bench Press Manual
Elite FTS - Basic Training
Elite FTS - Beginner Training
Elite FTS - Jim Wednler MAX Effort
Dave Tate - Maximal Strength
Elite FTS - Blast your Bench
Elite FTS - Blast your bench 2
Jim Wendler - Beyond 5/3/1
Jim Wendler - 5/3/1 Original
Brian Carroll - 10/20/Life
Chad Wesley Smith - Thoughtful Pursuit of Strength Training
Jim Wendler - 5/3/1 For Powerlifting
Matt Vincent - Throwing Lab
Greg Nuckols - Self Correcting Macro Plan EXCEL + PDF
Greg Nuckols - Bulgarian Manual
Greg Nuckols - Slavic Swole PDF
Greg Nuckols - No weak Links
Greg Nuckols - Art & Science of Lifting
Bill Star - Defying Gravity
Lyle Mcdonald - Rapid Fat Loss
Lyle Mcdonald - The Stubborn Fat Solution
Lyle Mcdonald - The Protein Book
Lyle MCdonald - Bromocriptine
A whole host of training + Anabolic related ebooks all for free. Lots of EliteFTS + Really rare finds.
Here you go. Enjoy.
Examine - Updated - Supplement & Health Stacks
Alex Viada - Hybrid Athlete
5/3/1 Football Manual
Scientific Principles of Strength Training - Mike Israetel
The Renaissance Diet
Practical Programming
Programming to Win
The Max Muscle Plan - Dr Brad's Schoenfields old book complete with workout plans.
Anabolics E-Book - William.L
Becoming a supple leopard.
Westside Book of Methods
Under the Bar
Triology Ebook
Periodization Bible by dave tate
Strong(er) Phase 2
Strong(er) Phase 3
Starting Strength
Starting Strength 2nd Ed
Greyskull LP 2nd Ed
Maximum Muscle V1
Lyle Mcdonald - Ketogenic Diet
Lyle McDonald - A Guide to flexible Dieting
Lyle McDonald - Ultimate Diet 2.0
Elite FTS - Carb Cycling
Elite FTS - Stronger Man Updated
Elite FTS - Bench Press Manual
Elite FTS - Basic Training
Elite FTS - Beginner Training
Elite FTS - Jim Wednler MAX Effort
Dave Tate - Maximal Strength
Elite FTS - Blast your Bench
Elite FTS - Blast your bench 2
Jim Wendler - Beyond 5/3/1
Jim Wendler - 5/3/1 Original
Brian Carroll - 10/20/Life
Chad Wesley Smith - Thoughtful Pursuit of Strength Training
Jim Wendler - 5/3/1 For Powerlifting
Matt Vincent - Throwing Lab
Greg Nuckols - Self Correcting Macro Plan EXCEL + PDF
Greg Nuckols - Bulgarian Manual
Greg Nuckols - Slavic Swole PDF
Greg Nuckols - No weak Links
Greg Nuckols - Art & Science of Lifting
Bill Star - Defying Gravity
Lyle Mcdonald - Rapid Fat Loss
Lyle Mcdonald - The Stubborn Fat Solution
Lyle Mcdonald - The Protein Book
Lyle MCdonald - Bromocriptine
A whole host of training + Anabolic related ebooks all for free. Lots of EliteFTS + Really rare finds.
Wow! So much attention on this one :D
Daily bandwidth cap reached for this canvas.
in case this stays locked, could you be kind to re-upload?
Wow! So much attention on this one :D
Daily bandwidth cap reached for this canvas.
in case this stays locked, could you be kind to re-upload?
I may do if it ends up locked due to downloads for the whole three days.
I was going to put more up during the week later anyway as I've got about 70+ more sitting on my drive.
I was going to put more up during the week later anyway as I've got about 70+ more sitting on my drive.
anyone got 10/20/life? cheers
Thanks for sharing!
Strong(er) 3
Greg Knuckles - Strength & Science: The Mind of a Lifter
Can you please re-upload the other Greg Knuckles books please? I'd share more but you've already got everything I have to share.
Thanks for sharing!
Strong(er) 3
Greg Knuckles - Strength & Science: The Mind of a Lifter
Can you please re-upload the other Greg Knuckles books please? I'd share more but you've already got everything I have to share.
Can someone re-upload something about Movnat?? Or anything about body movement
requesting "Muscle and Strength Pyramids" by Eric Helms?