This is absolutely the worst way to go about this. If you have an anxiety disorder, most weight loss pills have caffeine and will only make things worse.
Also, even on the pills you still have to exercise.
That being said, I am a HUGE fan of Atro-phex by a company called BSN. It's not the strongest as far as weight loss goes but it is also a mood booster. I can tell a huge difference when I'm on it and when I'm not. They also make some other good weight loss products.
Also, even on the pills you still have to exercise.
That being said, I am a HUGE fan of Atro-phex by a company called BSN. It's not the strongest as far as weight loss goes but it is also a mood booster. I can tell a huge difference when I'm on it and when I'm not. They also make some other good weight loss products.